The 90-day brain rewiring course that helps you create the reality you KNOW you can have. No more wishing or hoping - it's time to bring what you know you deserve into your 3D life.
YOU are the co-creator of your life. The Universe is waiting for you to give it direction so it can be the WIND in your sails.
And that starts with deeply trusting and knowing yourself.
How much do you really trust yourself ?

This is not a trick question.
Real talk time. Because THIS matters if you're going to move your life forward.
Do you trust yourself to make big, scary decisions?
Are you comfortable walking away from what’s not serving you? Trusting that if it's not a HELL YES, it's a hell no.
Or are you hanging on for dear life feeling like you're stranded on shore and the waves just keep crashing into you?
Do you make yourself proud on a daily basis for getting waaay out of your comfort zone, setting boundaries and holding your frequency?
Unfortunately for most women, the answer is no.
We’ve been fed sh*t like…
>> Take a step back, that's never going to happen for you.
>> Maybe you should stick it out a little longer... you’re being too impulsive (or even worse... "too emotional").
>> Don’t make or want too much money... and if you do, you should feel bad for being "too ambitious."
F*ck that! You’re worth so much more than letting those limiting thoughts play on repeat in your brain.
It's time to ride the damn waves instead of letting them ride YOU. Because once you trust yourself... the entire world opens up to you.
Together, we’re going to transform your brain so that you trust yourself completely.
This is the hard part
I'm going to be very honest with you because I went into the brain rewiring process blind and didn't know what to expect.
Brain rewiring is *not* an easy process. Not by any stretch of the imagination but damn, is it effective.
If you are sick of reading "self-help" books (only to feel MORE guilt and shame for not implementing what they're telling you...), listening to podcast episode after podcast episode and being such a dick to yourself all the time I've got news for you.
If you want a different result and outcome than the one you currently have you MUST introduce a different variable.
As humans, 95% of our day is run on autopilot (which is ruled by the subconscious mind), so if you're not even SURE what's going on up there... well, we've got work to do.
Those cobwebs up in your brain attic need dusting off. The better you know yourself, the more you trust yourself and the better your life will become. PERIOD.
Instead of:
+ Doubting your ability to make your own decisions
+ Feeling intense anxiety about your life
+ Trying to people please even when it hurts you
+ Letting people violate your personal boundaries (or being too afraid to set them in the first place...)
+ Settling for so much less than you deserve
+ Feeling like you're stuck in fear and indecision most hours of the day
+ Living a dulled-down version of your life
You will:
+ Feel unstoppable and *finally* start trusting yourself
+ Find clarity and CALM while ditching the anxious thoughts + overwhelm (Byeee Felicia 👋🏼)
+ Leave your people-pleasing tendencies behind (yes, setting boundaries CAN be easy)
+ Figure out what YOU want and feel confident enough to go after it (no more WAITING for sh*t to happen)
+ Know (and charge!) your worth and stop letting your head talk you out of everything...
+ create a life you don't need a vacation from
The Power of Brain Rewiring
You may have dabbled in self-help, podcasts that promise a morning mindset shift, 100-page self-help books that pair well with coffee, a meditation ritual that was really hard to maintain, or maybe you’ve even gone to therapy...
The point is: you’ve done some work, but you’re still having trouble trusting yourself to make the changed needed to create the life you want.
Brain rewiring differs from other methods of personal development because it is permanent. Yes, you heard me right. When you go through this course and fully commit to yourself, the transformations you feel will follow you for the rest of your life.
Because here’s the thing. We form beliefs about ourselves before the age of 8. And then, we just let them simmer below the surface in our subconscious mind – causing mischief and holding us back from what we want.
By bringing the subconscious mind into our conscious space, we can dismantle the childhood beliefs that are holding us back.
And once those are gone, they’re gone for good.

By going through Synergy, you will:

+ Learn the concept of thought shifting to move away from victim mindset into the fully empowered version of yourself
+ Rewire the anxiety, doubt, and fear that are holding you back from the life you want
+ Stop giving your power and decision making away and create complete sovereignty in your body
+ Learn (and EMBODY) what ease, flow, calm and alignment feel like and finally quit swimming upstream
+ Dismantle beliefs that are holding you back and replace them with thoughts that create the reality you *know* you could have
It's Time.
By signing up for Synergy, you’ll rewire your brain and receive the roadmap you need to take massive action.
In this course, you will receive:
+ 6 deep-work video modules to guide you through your rewiring journey (over 3 hours of video content)
+ A 100+ page workbook to implement the material and document your progress
+ 6 guided brain rewiring meditations
Pay in Full: $797
Payment Plan: $266 x 3
Are you ready for this?

Brain rewiring is a tool that transforms everyone, regardless of where you’re at. But if you say ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you are at the perfect stage of life to dive into this work:
+ Are you currently facing a major life decision or big transition (think: moving, breakup, new job, etc.)?
+ Are you tired of people continually crossing your boundaries, feeling like you're living life for others and settling in every area of your life?
+ Are you looking to make a career change, start a business or finally step out of scarcity mindset?
+ Do you feel anxious and overwhelmed often?
+ Does the idea of never second guessing yourself again sound exciting?
Inside The Course

Module 1
Intro to the Rewire
Totally new? I totally got you! In this module, we’re diving into what brain rewiring actually is, how it works and how to get started.
And yep, you’ll get a dose of nerdy science presented in a digestible way.

Module 2
Identify Negative Pathways
The whole point of this transformation is turning negative neural pathways into positive ones that support your desired reality. Here, I’ll show you the ‘rules’ of rewiring so you can make this process work seamlessly.

Module 3
Shifting Your Thoughts
Once you've mastered thought shifting, you can make space for more empowered thoughts like ‘this can and IS 100% happening for me.’ This shift is powerful AF when you’ve been taught to believe ‘you can’t' and feel like the world has it out for you.

Module 4
Bring on the Positivity
Affirmations. Past happy memories. Future visualizations. These are all key components you need to start the brain rewiring process, broken down for you in this module. Once you lock these in, you’ll be done prepping and ready to start your rewiring rounds!

Module 5
Rounds of Rewiring
It’s time to implement. Now that you have the tools, you’ll work on rewiring for 90 days, 60 minutes per day. It’s amazing how even just committing an hour a day to yourself yields MASSIVE results. Prepare to have your entire reality change before your eyes!

Module 6
Integration Phase
You, but, 90 days from now... your brain is beautifully rewired! You not only have a different outlook on life but you FEEL like a different person. Now it’s time to integrate all the work you did with your daily life so you can continue living feeling empowered and free!

Hi, I’m Chelsea
Brain Rewiring Expert | Multi 6-Figure Business Mentor | Full-Time Rebel
Life didn’t start out as multiple 6-figure years and a life I don't need a vacation from. Far from it, actually. I was living paycheck to paycheck, trying out over 20 jobs in my young adult days in an attempt to get it "right." All the while I was taking food stamps to the grocery store and feeling like the world was truly out to get me.
So what changed? My brain.
I dove into brain rewiring to get to the source of why I’m on this hamster wheel. I just knew there had to be more to this life. This wasn’t just a casual, self-help book kind of affair... I invested 60 minutes every single day for 90 days and watched my entire reality change before my eyes. I went from total downer to believing with every cell in my body that I can do whatever the f*ck I want with my life. Playing small is no longer an option.
The results going through the rewiring process: $220k my first year in business with consistent $20k months after that. Leaving a relationship that was completely out of alignment and climbing harder than I ever thought possible.
Your mind creates your *entire* reality... Let’s work together to ditch the beliefs and thought patterns that are holding you back so you can become obsessed with your life.
You live in your brain 24/7 -
make sure it’s your biggest fan.
The proof is in their new frequency.
These women have changed their lives by changing their brains.
I know you know this, but, tomorrow isn't guaranteed...
It’s easy to put sh*t off. You’re a busy woman. But every day you let your subconscious and negative brain patterns run the show is a day you’re holding yourself back from creating the life that you want.
And you’re wayyy too good for that!

By signing up for Synergy, you’ll rewire your brain and finally get the support you need to take massive action.
In this course, you will receive:
+ 6 deep-work modules to guide you through your rewiring journey
+ A 100+ page workbook to accompany your transformation
+ 6 guided meditations